Arrowtown, New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand
Beach, New Zealand
Fiordland, New Zealand
Lake Matheson, New Zealand
Mount Maunganui, New Zealand
Queenstown, New Zealand
Rotorua, New Zealand

Driving Route : Christchurch - Milford Sound - Christchurch

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Day 8: Franz Josef to Greymouth

Travel time is approximate only, based on an average driving speed under normal road conditions.

  Travel Time Km (Miles)
Franz Josef - Hokitika 1.75 hrs 133 83
Hokitika - Greymouth 0.5 hr 40 25
Totals for Day 2.25 hrs 173 108

Franz Josef - Hokitika

133 km (83 miles)
Approximately 1.75 hours
Road Conditions: State Highway

Hokitika was first settled in 1860, after the discovery of gold on the west coast. It still has the feel of a 'frontier town'', and there are some lovely old buildings to admire. Greenstone (NZ jade) is the town's treasure these days—watch it being carved. You might also want to investigate the museum and do the historical walk.

The road to the glaciers is rural, but with a wild streak. The farmland is trying to turn back into forest, and the beauty of the rivers is raw and primeval. At Ross there's a goldfield walkway to explore, or enjoy a picnic by the shores of Lake Ianthe. A visit to the White Heron colony near Whataroa is a rare experience.

First explored in 1865, the Franz Josef Glacier has been moving forward at a rate of about one metre a day since 1985. Previously it was in retreat. You can walk to the terminal of the glacier in about 10 minutes. Franz Josef township has a good range of accommodation and eating establishments.

Hokitika - Greymouth

40 km (25 miles)
Approximately 0.5 hour
Road Conditions: State Highway

Hokitika was first settled in 1860, after the discovery of gold on the west coast. It still has the feel of a 'frontier town', and there are some lovely old buildings to admire. Greenstone (NZ jade) is the town's treasure these days—you can see it being polished and sculpted. You might also want to pan for gold, investigate the museum and do the historical walk.

The road between Hokitika and Greymouth provides great views of the wild west coast. Detour to the beach and breathe the salt spray air. Driftwood is the ornamentation of choice for west coast beaches—every shape, size and colour. Shantytown, just south of Greymouth, is a reconstructed 1880s gold rush town—great family entertainment.

Greymouth has a long gold mining history. It's the largest town on the west coast and is known for its awesome seascapes. The local brewery runs tours or you can catch up with west coast history at the museum. White water rafting, sea kayaking and gold panning are other things to do.

View more Christchurch driving routes.

Directory Information

Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast:
Accommodation, Attractions and Activities, Tours, Transport, Visitor Information

Fox Glacier, West Coast:
Accommodation, Attractions and Activities, Tours, Transport, Visitor Information

Hokitika, West Coast:
Accommodation, Attractions and Activities, Tours, Transport, Visitor Information

Greymouth, West Coast:
Accommodation, Attractions and Activities, Tours, Transport, Visitor Information

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